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ELM Custom Art in the Community
We are proud to be active members of our local community. ELM custom Art is a proud sponsor of Paint the Planet and works with them to make our community a beautiful place to live that is full of art and color. 

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Conviction Art

ELM Custom Art has partnered with Conviction Art to build an artistic community that will bring art and culture to our community and raise funds for families that are suffering due to financial hardship. Conviction Art makes it easy for any artist to submit digital copies of their art to the online gallery.Each artist gets a profile page with a bio and can add links to social networks and personal websites. There is no cost for the artist to use the service. The website features a forum and chat features to help new artists. Anyone can become a member. There are several other roles that can be filled to help you get involved in the online community. Conviction Art works closely with "Paint the Planet" in providing artistic and creative ways to brighten our community.

Conviction Art is just getting started and has a long way to go before it will be able to make the kind of positive impact on the community that I believe it is capable of. Please help get the word out and sign up for a free account.  Feel Free to make a financial contribution with by clicking the donate button below. 

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© 2018 ELM Custom Art. All rights reserved.

Site built and Maintained by ELM Custom Art


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Art with Attitude

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Proud sponsor of Paint the Planet. Making the world a brighter more colorful place to live.

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